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Nobody's perfect and here's proof - I tried convincing myself that I had merely experienced the reverse of what women have encountered for decades when mothers bring their small sons into ladies' rooms. But really, it's different.


The American Restroom Association (ARA) -  These restrooms allow people with special needs to visit museums, parks, theaters, libraries and other public places. Family style, unisex, or single-user restrooms (often called handicapped restrooms) offer flexibility: males or females, and one or more individuals (i.e. family members), of the same or opposite sex, can use them.

Add an Accessible Family Restroom - Family, unisex, or single-user restrooms are no substitute for accessible men's and women's restrooms, but they offer flexibility: males or females can use them, and one or more individuals, of the same or opposite sex, can use them. Examples are a caregiver and child, and a person with a disability, alone or with assistance.

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